Symptoms of psoriasis: photo, initial stage, treatment in adults and children

causes of psoriasis

Psoriasis is a chronic skin disease that is difficult to treat. Psoriatic plaques appear on different parts of the body, causing the patient a lot of discomfort and suffering. A noticeable cosmetic defect worsens relationships with others, provokes the development of complexes.

Treatment of psoriasis requires an integrated approach. Timely seeking medical help leads to serious consequences: the disease can be inherited. Adherence to the doctor's recommendations will alleviate suffering, reduce the manifestations of psoriasis.

Causes of occurrence

Skin disease is of great interest to researchers. Doctors have only assumptions, factors that can cause psoriasis. The most common cause of psoriasis is a genetic predisposition. However, dermatologists have not yet reached a consensus: "Why does psoriasis occur? "

There are two theories:

  • the first says: the scaly type of lichen develops when the epidermal cells mature, reproduce and differentiate. Autoimmune processes play a secondary role;
  • second hypothesis: the cause of skin lesions is a malfunction in the immune system. Problems with the normal functioning of epidermal cells are secondary.

Provocative factors:

  • lack of vitamins and minerals in the body due to the small amount of vegetables and fruits on the menu;
  • undermines nervous health due to frequent stress;
  • stages of development of psoriasis
  • abuse of hard drugs;
  • metabolic disorders due to improper nutrition;
  • lowers immunity after infectious diseases.

Risk group:

  • patients with hypertension;
  • obese persons;
  • diabetics;
  • people who drink too much alcohol;
  • patients who have undergone chemotherapy courses, corticosteroid treatment, strong antibiotics.

Symptoms and stages of the disease

Stages of psoriatic outbreaks:

  • initial phase. On the elbows, other areas, pink or reddish papules appear, covered with scales with a heterogeneous structure. Over time, the rash occupies an increasing area, redness of the skin appears, swelling, itching develops;
  • most of the symptoms appear in people who are fed up with medication. At risk group - persons who have suffered psycho-emotional trauma;
  • The next stage is the emergence of the Kebner phenomenon. After itching, scratches, wounds, bleeding areas appear on the body. Gradually they merge, forming symmetrical lines and plates. Nails are often affected;
  • third phase. The rash becomes brighter, the plaques get clear contours, the affected areas turn blue, itch, peel off;
  • Symptoms gradually fade. Peeling goes first, then the color of the epidermis returns. The final stage is the resorption of infiltrates, the improvement of the skin condition.

Is psoriasis contagious? Is it possible to get sick when communicating, shaking hands, playing together, having sex? The answer is “No! ” The nature of the pathology is different, there are no viruses and fungi on the skin. Do not push the psoriasis patient away from you! It is already difficult for him. Support the person morally.

Localization Locations:

    elbow joints
  • . Relatively soft shape. Groups of tiles with well-defined borders appear symmetrically on both sides. Color - salmon or pinkish red;
  • palms. The disease is characterized by keratinization of surfaces, peeling, severe itching;
  • ears and scalp. Psoriatic outbreaks appear on the inside and outside of the throat, on the head. In case of sudden itching inside the ears, it is recommended to visit a dermatologist immediately;
  • feet. Often, plaques, redness, itching on the lower limbs appear simultaneously with redness on the hands. Externally, the manifestations of the disease are similar;
  • back. The scaly lichen affects different areas on the back. The rash takes the form of tears. Often, the rash resembles ordinary plaques;
  • face. In this area, rashes appear less frequently. On the eyebrows, in the area of ​​nasolabial folds, small papules appear near the eyes. In isolated cases, scaly formations are visible on the edge.

Diagnosis of the disease

main manifestations of psoriasis

A dermatologist or therapist can easily diagnose psoriasis by its characteristic features. Sometimes a biopsy of the affected skin is required. The microscopic part is sent for laboratory research.

One point of the blood hemoscanization method is widely advertised. Special computer programs and high-power electron microscopes are used.

Experts recommend abandoning the services of "doctors" who have no medical education. Charlatans often use only this method to diagnose various diseases, without bothering themselves with additional research.

Be sure to visit a dermatologist, therapist. An experienced doctor will tell you if you have psoriasis or not based on clinical signs.

Treatment methods

How to cure psoriasis? Complex therapy will help eliminate unpleasant symptoms, to improve the patient's condition. In many cases, treatment is long-term, with further action of provocative factors, relapses are possible.

Experts recommend the use of not only medicines, but also folk recipes, diet food, physiotherapy methods. The patient is required to strictly follow the doctor's prescriptions.


Both day and systemic medications are used:

  • antihistamine;
  • sedatives;
  • anti-inflammatory drugs;
  • ointments and gels for psoriasis.

Physiotherapy is effective:

  • phototherapy;
  • ultraviolet radiation;
  • laser therapy;
  • cryotherapy.

Diet for psoriasis

The patient is required to follow a hypoallergenic diet for psoriasis. It is necessary to consume as few foods as possible that can cause a blood clot on the affected skin. An emphasis on foods rich in vitamins and minerals is important.


  • spicy dishes;
  • smoked products;
  • alcohol;
  • red pepper, black, other spices;
  • kafe;
  • hot drinks.

Not Recommended:

  • chocolate;
  • sweets
  • ;
  • whole milk;
  • honey;
  • citrus;
  • vegetables, red fruits.

Remedies and folk remedies

After consulting a dermatologist or therapist, add home-based methods to your medication, physiotherapy treatments. Effective ointments, decoctions of medicinal herbs, lotions and baths will improve the condition, relieve itching, burning.

Treatment of psoriasis at home with folk remedies. Best recipes:

  • wire bath and sea salt.Prepare a decoction: per liter of water - 2 tbsp. lkthehet. Pour 4 tbsp into the bath. sea ​​salt, pour in strained broth. The duration of the procedure is 20 minutes. An excellent soothing, drying agent;
  • decoction of medicinal plants.Make in 0, 5 l of water a teaspoon of nettle, burdock root, licorice and calamus, a sequence. Boil for 5 minutes, let simmer. Wipe the affected areas with a healing broth several times a day;
  • tea from dandelion roots, nettle leaves, St. John's wortare taken orally. Drink perfectly cleanses the blood, improves immunity, soothes;
  • herbal lotions.Take 4 tbsp. lcelandine, add calendula, string, mother, chamomile (all herbs will need 2 tbsp. l. ). Pour in a liter of hot water, heat in a water bath. Lint dipped in broth, apply to painful areas twice a day;
  • household ointment.Combine fish oil, pine resin, aloe juice, olive oil, sulfur, birch tar in equal proportions. Add the same amount of celandine, excess herbs, pour in a few drops of buckthorn oil. Let it brew, drain. Lubricate the affected areas daily. The tool soothes the skin, reduces itching, heals wounds;
  • application of birch taron the elbows, ears, other areas affected by the manifestations of scaly lichen gives a good effect;
  • monastery tea for psoriasis.A medicinal drink with herbs will ease the course of the disease.

Psoriasis of the skin in children

Chronic disease occurs in infants and older children. Most cases of psoriasis are seen in preschool and elementary school children.


  • spots, blisters, red spots appear on the skin;
  • gradually redness becomes more, peeling appears;
  • body itches, heads crack, painful areas appear.
symptoms of psoriasis in children

Main locations of lesions:

  • elbows;
  • knees;
  • legs, arms;
  • psoriasis sometimes affects the nails.

Diagnosis is straightforward. The pronounced symptoms are difficult to confuse with the manifestations of other diseases.


  • stress;
  • hormonal imbalance;
  • colds;
  • some medicines;
  • genetic predisposition;
  • respiratory diseases;
  • immediate climate change.


  • proper skin care;
  • ascorbic acid;
  • vitamin B12;
  • ointments and gels;
  • antihistamine.

Herbal baths with chamomile, yarrow, celandine, succession give a good effect. Relaxing fees will help improve sleep. In severe cases, the doctor will prescribe sleeping pills.

Sometimes a child needs to be hospitalized to relieve acute symptoms. Do not give up the hospital. Droppers, injections significantly alleviate the condition.

Tip!Do not prescribe powerful medicines yourself. Doctors are trying to use fewer drugs that have a toxic effect.

Preventive Recommendations

There are no specific precautions to prevent this serious skin condition. For this reason, many people suffer from unpleasant symptoms for many years.

Sometimes psychological trauma is just as serious as occasional redness and itching during exacerbations. Try to ease the course of the disease.

What else can you do:

  • avoid hypothermia;
  • keep the room at optimum humidity;
  • take good care of the epidermis;
  • create a peaceful family environment;
  • if necessary, change your job to avoid stressful situations and other harmful influences;
  • do not hurt your skin.

Remember- you are not alone in your troubles. The diagnosis of psoriasis is recorded in the outpatient registers of hundreds of thousands of people. Do not despair, even with such a serious illness you can live without losing hope for the future. Communicate, seek support from your loved ones, follow the recommendations of doctors. Try to prevent the disease from affecting you.